Abstract art

What is abstract art?

Humans who have limitations in their abilities and resources create abstract art. However, these limitations do not diminish the value or significance of abstract art. In fact, it is precisely because of these limitations that abstract art can be incredibly powerful and meaningful.

Artists are able through abstract art to express their emotions, ideas, and experiences. This cannot be effectively conveyed through realistic or representational art. They utilize color, shape, texture, and form to create a visual language that directly communicates with the viewer’s subconscious.

In this way, abstract art can is considered as a reflection of our inner world. The world that is just as intricate and diverse as the physical world surrounding us. It allows us to delve into our own thoughts and feelings in a manner that is both personal and universal.

Abstract art may not possess the same grandeur or scope as the creation of the world itself. In fact it still possesses the ability to inspire wonder and awe in those who experience it.


Abstract Art – Creation from Nothing

The notion of bringing something into existence from nothingness has captivated humanity for centuries. It is a power so extraordinary that only a divine being could wield it. It is leaving us in awe when we contemplate the sheer magnitude of such an ability. The original creation by the Creator stands as a testament to their boundless wisdom and unparalleled creativity. It is a humbling realisation that we are but a minuscule fragment within this expansive universe. We are fashioned by a force that surpasses our understanding. The mere thought of possessing such extraordinary power is enough to ignite our imagination and transport us to realms unknown. We, artists, are drawing abstract ideas in hope to find unusual images.



The inspiration for the abstract can come from reality. Some things seen, landscapes experienced, It can also be the art of other artists. I would like to mention the artist from Spain, Antoni Tàpies. This painter is one of the most iconic creators in visual art on the twentieth century Spanish art scene.

In his studio he created abstract paintings in various techniques. In his art important role play the symbolism of colours, in particular red a reminder of the violence of the war. His art is an example that abstraction can associate to real events. Tàpies and Picasso are my favourite famous Spanish artists. For me, they are not only famous but also inspiring. I would say that they made at by painting. 


The Power of Abstraction – meaningful abstract painting

The power of abstraction resides in its remarkable capacity to forge something entirely novel. And then distinctive, all the while harnessing familiar shapes and hues. It grants us access to our boundless imagination. It enables the emergence of ideas that may have never before graced existence, which evokes arts for paintings in artists mind. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that this autonomy is merely illusory. As our perception and comprehension of the world inevitably influence the ultimate outcome. Abstraction bestows upon us the liberty to venture into uncharted territories. However it is our responsibility to navigate and mould these unexplored realms into something profound and influential.

Abstract art in my studio

As an artist, I am constantly exploring innovative ways to express myself through my abstract paintings and drawings. I am perpetually in search of new forms and colors that will breathe life into my imagination. My studio serves as a sanctuary. Here I allow myself to unleash my creativity without any constraints, where I try to paint by art instead of painting by color.
However, despite the fact that I create my abstract within the confines of my studio, i do not detach it from the world that surrounds me. Every sight, sound, and experience I encounter influences the way I create. My emotions, thoughts, and memories all contribute to shaping the final art piece.
Ultimately, my abstract paintings serve as a reflection of my identity as both an artist and an individual. They visually represent my deepest thoughts and emotions, brought to life through the use of form and color. As a result they may appear chaotic or random at first glance. I choose each element meticulously. Finally I place them to create a harmonious whole. In this manner, my abstract art possesses a dual nature, being both personal and universal.