Abstractionism artist about love
Abstractionism artist can tell about love
Abstractionism is a unique style of painting and art that challenges the traditional portrayal of the world around us. Abstractionism artist utilises simplistic forms that are devoid of meaning and more abstract than irregular shapes. Instead of focusing on realistic depictions, abstractionists use simple and complex forms, manipulate light, and experiment with lines, planes, and other elements to evoke specific emotions in the viewer. When observing a piece by an abstractionist, it may initially appear as a jumble of lines, shapes, and colors. Upon closer examination, it becomes evident that the artist has carefully crafted a composition intended to provoke specific thoughts or emotions in the viewer. For example presence of irregular forms often evoke associations with botanical or animalistic forms. When these shapes are imbued with structure, they create a captivating abstract image that transports the viewer to various landscapes such as forests, fields, or mountains. Such images evoke a multitude of associations.
Abstractionims was born
This approach to creation of images appeared at a specific moment in art history, closely linked to political and social events. One can point to the period just before the First World War, the WW1 time and the Russian Revolution. It was a time of struggle and unrest, of attempts to set the world up anew. And in art, the overthrowing of the limits that limited artists.
Abstractionism emerged as a revolutionary movement in the world of painting in 1910, when the Russian artist and painting theorist, Vasily Kandinsky, unveiled his first abstract watercolor. With Kandinsky’s groundbreaking work, Abstractionism quickly gained momentum and began to flourish.
Kazimir Malevich also played a significant role in the evolution of Abstractionism by pioneering Suprematism, a technique that pushed the boundaries of abstract art even further. This new style marked the beginning of a new era in painting, allowing artists to break free from traditional constraints and express their emotions, thoughts, and feelings without limitations.
Initially, Abstractionism faced criticism and condemnation, remaining underground for some time before finally gaining recognition and acceptance. Over time, abstract painting earned its rightful place among the diverse array of artistic styles, solidifying its importance in the art world.
Abstractionism in my image
In this particular painting, I present simple, almost geometric forms that I have used to construct two figures – a man and a woman. These figures are entangled in each other’s feet, deviating from the conventional portrayal of a pair extending their hands towards one another. Typically, people connect through their hands, but here, the woman timidly extends her hand from beneath a red shape, as if afraid to disrupt her abstract silhouette. The shape and gesture of her hand add an element of intimacy to the scene.
Did I have the paintings of these famous abstractionists in mind when I painted this picture? They were probably subconsciously in my regions. I think every contemporary artist more or less draws on their work. If not directly in their art, then certainly indirectly – enjoying artistic freedom. There are many processes that have contributed to the freedom that contemporary society gives to artists, including the activities of the abstractionism artists.
Through this artwork, I aim to convey, once again, the story of two individuals deeply immersed in the realm of love. By depriving them of their facial features, I have rendered them lifeless and devoid of personality. They are seamlessly integrated within the geometric divisions of an anonymous space, characteristic of abstract art. Abstraction serves as a means to encapsulate multiple concepts within a single image, which is perhaps why abstract art enjoys such widespread popularity.
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